Interacting with Players

League of Legends is a team game, where millions of players around the world compete on the Fields of Justice every day. Staying in touch with summoners you enjoy playing with will help you build lasting relationships and friendships. In this section you’ll find suggestions on how to fill your friends list, create custom games, and join forces with your fellow summoners.

Adding Friends

Your friends list is the easiest way to stay in touch with players you’ve had fun competing with. Once you accept a summoner’s friend request (or he accepts yours), you’ll be able to send messages, see when he’s online, view his stats and more.

  • Add real world friends by searching for their summoner names
  • Add summoners with whom you’ve recently played
  • View your friends‘ profiles, match history, and game stats
  • Spectate your friends‘ games as they play

Playing with Friends

Inviting your friends to play with you is easy. Just select the game mode you’d like to play and click the „I will invite my own teammates“ button to begin inviting friends to join you.

  • Invite your friends to play with you in a variety of game modes
  • Gather up to 10 friends in a custom match
  • Create and name your team to compete in Ranked play