The Latest on Fiddlesticks’ VGU

Hey all, with the Player Choice Fiddlesticks VGU now in full production, we thought it’d be a good time to do a deep dive into our current progress. The team has some truly horrifying stuff planned for its release a little later this year, so this blog might not be for the faint of heart. We’ll be getting really nitty-gritty with some of Fiddle’s work-in-progress animations, VFX, modeling, and more, so consider this your final warning: spoilers, spooky stuff, and dense info lie ahead.

An Ancient Evil Takes Form

In case you missed the previous posts, our goal with updating Fiddlesticks is to transform it into the most terrifying champion in League of Legends. 

As far as gameplay goes, we want Fiddle to be the iconic ambush champion, with a kit that’s centered around the concept of fear. This goes deeper than just a point-click status effect, which is staying on the kit. But beyond that, we’re giving Fiddle new mechanics that are built around its iconic Crowstorm. This includes giving Fiddlesticks more ways to stay hidden and find—or create—opportunities to ambush enemies. When a player succeeds at executing the perfect jump scare, we want to also make sure they’re in a powerful position to win the fight.

Experienced Fiddlesticks players will wreak mental havoc on their victims as they question what is real and what is a terrifying effigy.

Prestige in the first half of 2020

You should feel confident using Prestige Points and event tokens on the skin you want most—so here’s the lineup of Prestige skins that’ll come out in the first half of 2020. No spoilers on unrevealed thematics!

2020 Prestige Point skins:

  • True Damage Senna
  • Zyra
  • Zoe
  • Plus more in the second half of the year

2020 Event Prestige skins:

  • Mecha Kingdoms Garen, releasing shortly after this announcement
  • Malphite
  • Lucian
  • Plus more in the second half of the year

All 2020 Event Prestige skins will return at the end of the year for purchase with Prestige Points.

Our Story

We launched Riot Games in 2006 to develop, publish, and support games made by players, for players. In 2009, we released our debut title, League of Legends. League has gone on to be the most-played PC game in the world and a key driver of the explosive growth of esports. Players are the foundation of our community and it’s for them that we continue to evolve the League experience both in and out of game. Founded by Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill, and currently under the leadership of CEO Nicolo Laurent, we’re headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and have 2,500+ Rioters in 20+ offices worldwide.

Social Impact

We believe that anyone with passion, vision, and perseverance can make a positive impact. As part of that ethos, we also believe that there are ways where we, as a company, can provide long-term value and positive impact to the players, partners, Rioters, and communities we serve.

Through corporate social responsibility, we hope to help build a more positive world for the players and our communities. To do this, we focus on creating equal access to education, skills development, and the promotion of positive citizenship across the world.